About our trips

River Trips

There are 6 different grades of water within the International River grading system:

In general, the club only coaches on Grade 1 and 2, most of the trips are open to members who have paddled on flat water with the club on a previous occasion. If you are considering a river trip you are welcome to discuss the difficulty level, risk and your capabilities with a coach.

  • Grade 1 Regular stream; regular waves, small rapids and simple obstructions
  • Grade 2 Passage free; irregular stream; irregular waves; medium rapids; small stoppers,
  • Grade 3 Route recognisable; high irregular waves; larger eddies whirlpools and pressure areas
  • Grade 4 Route not always recognizable; inspection mostly necessary; heavy continuous rapids; heavy stoppers, eddies, whirlpools and pressure areas.
  • Grade 5 Inspection Essential; extreme rapids, stoppers, whirlpools and pressure areas.
  • Grade 6 Generally speaking impossible, possibly navigable at particular water levels, high risk

The club also runs trips on grade 3 rivers. These are for members who are intermediate or advanced paddlers capable of assessing the risk independently of the trip leader. Where faced with a section of river near the limit of an individual’s ability the option to paddle or get out and walk round the rapid (portage) is a decision for the individual.

The club does not organize trips to rivers above Grade 4, but recognises that individual members may tackle these grades autonomously and may report such endeavours in its web site.

Kayaking is an adventurous sport and occasional immersion cuts burses and knocks are common occurrences in this sport.